WOOOOOW!!! It’s been 10 months!


Hello my candied strawberries!!!!

Wow, I can’t believe my last blog post was 10 months ago! How insane is that?? Talk about life taking over!! How have you all been?

Ugh, I’ve been really busy and if you have followed me all these years, you know I rarely slow down and I end up doing a zillion projects and just end up going MIA. Again, I apologize but I have good reasons!!! LOL.

So if you all follow me on Twitter/Instagram/Facebook etc., you know that I have been acting and doing a lot of extra work on the television show Grimm. It’s been so amazing and I am doing all of this while working a regular job and trying to keep up with my fashion and beauty endeavors as well. It’s been hard work!

So many interesting things have happened to me and I just can’t wait to continue to share everything with you all.

So, I have a Tumblr as well and that pretty much also syncs with my Instagram at times and it’s all about my acting and daily life stuffs. Please follow so we can stay in touch! The name of my Tumblr is Love – Kai Wiley. I’ve met so many of you through my blog and mutual passion for beautiful things and I just love getting to know you and sharing experiences.

I will be posting here again and posting updated youtube videos so look forward to that as well! Man, I love you guys for sticking around and continuing to read my blog! I hope you learn something and it makes your day!!

Until Next Time…


❤ Kai