WOOOOOW!!! It’s been 10 months!


Hello my candied strawberries!!!!

Wow, I can’t believe my last blog post was 10 months ago! How insane is that?? Talk about life taking over!! How have you all been?

Ugh, I’ve been really busy and if you have followed me all these years, you know I rarely slow down and I end up doing a zillion projects and just end up going MIA. Again, I apologize but I have good reasons!!! LOL.

So if you all follow me on Twitter/Instagram/Facebook etc., you know that I have been acting and doing a lot of extra work on the television show Grimm. It’s been so amazing and I am doing all of this while working a regular job and trying to keep up with my fashion and beauty endeavors as well. It’s been hard work!

So many interesting things have happened to me and I just can’t wait to continue to share everything with you all.

So, I have a Tumblr as well and that pretty much also syncs with my Instagram at times and it’s all about my acting and daily life stuffs. Please follow so we can stay in touch! The name of my Tumblr is Love – Kai Wiley. I’ve met so many of you through my blog and mutual passion for beautiful things and I just love getting to know you and sharing experiences.

I will be posting here again and posting updated youtube videos so look forward to that as well! Man, I love you guys for sticking around and continuing to read my blog! I hope you learn something and it makes your day!!

Until Next Time…


❤ Kai

YSL Mascara? Yes Please!!

Hello all!!
I am back with another cool blog post + this one is a unboxing/mini review thanks to Influenster and YSL!!! WOOT WOOT!!!!!


So again, it’s taken me much longer than I wished to find time to blog + I’m sorry about that but life happens + that comes first! Priorities!! Lol. Anyhoo…I had the pleasure of receiving the reformulated YSL Faux Cils Mascara (Which can be found here!!) + I must say, it is bomb!!

If you follow me on Instagram or see my feed here on my blog, you may have seen my “before + after” shot wearing the mascara. It’s amazeballs!!!! Check it out below!!


The Mascara is $32 but I feel it’s completely worth it. Why? Well, it has luxurious packaging, it smells beautiful, the formula is smooth and doesn’t clump after 2-3 coats and makes your lashes look full and luscious… like wearing faux lashes!!


All in all, I give this mascara 5 stars. I’m totally in love with it right now + I receive so many compliments on my lashes when I wear this. Definitely a keeper. It’s a yes from me!

Until Next Time…
❤ Kai

Note: I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes.”

M.I.A Again?? My bad!

Well Hello my beautiful and lovely people!!

Surprise! I am back lol. AGAIN AGAIN!!!! Listen, I swear to you guys, I think my life is on track + normal + boom, I get hit with some other weird or crazy thing that happens and I end up not having time to do anything or something gets hacked!!!!.

Omg, I’m so happy to be back! I love blogging and I’ve missed sharing with everyone!! How have you guys and gals been? I’ve been pretty much great but as with any life on earth, there have been ups and downs. One major up has been the new car the bf and I got! Omg, *squeeeee* it’s been a while so having transportation again is so so amazing! 🚘


We have been enjoying the freedom of transportation and going out and doing more things. We’ve seriously gotten into Archery and it is now my obesession/hobby. We’ve been consistent and really really loving it and kicking major bootay!!


If this were an Orc, it would have fought in vain!!


Also, I met more of my bfs family and we had a wonderful time together. They make me miss my family (mum, dad, brother, and doggie Bear) so so much more. Made my heart a little bit bigger! 💜 💜 💜


Even though things have been a bit crazy and work literally took over my life (didn’t get to really celebrate Valentine’s Day 😐) we still managed time to relax with friends and take in the beauty of our planet.









All in all, life is good. Just busy and at times stressful but lovely all the same. I’m soooo stoked to be back so I hope you guys are excited for more content!!

Until Next Time…
– Kai 💜

Sponsored Review – MONAT Rejuveniqe Oil

Hello beauties!!

I have had a heck of a week which I will update you guys on once I’ve had a moment to rest + get myself sorted. Until then, I have a new review for you!!! Yay!!


I was lucky enough to try out the MONAT Rejuveniqe Oil (Click here to read more about the product) + I must say, I am impressed! This product has improved my hair so so much. The product is said to help minimize thinning hair, add in needed nutrients + can promote hair growth. The oil smells nice + light but luxurious! The cap to this is a dropper which is really nice because you can control the amount of product you use…a little goes a long way (I show this in a vid on my instagram).  The packaging looks amazingly sleek + chic + just really draws your eye to it! Definitely a beautiful high end goodie you must try out!!!!



After I wash my hair, I pat dry really well with a town then apply some leave in conditioner, After .I brush/comb my conditioner through, I add in the oil to my ends and then I massage it into my scalp. After those steps, I just let my hair air dry + once it does…OMG, my hair is so so soft + shiny. BEAUTIFUL!!


5-stars Rilakkuma

I totally give this product a 5 out of 5 because not only did I see instant result after my first use (and still to this day), but I have seen growth as well + that’s major for me since I’ve been trying to grow my hair out + for a bit it grew then just stalled but this definitely gave it that extra boost to start growing again. Oh + I forgot, you can use this on your body as well!! The only con I think of at the moment is the price. On the website this product retails for $99!! That’s a lot of money but if you want to splurge….DO IT!! Hahahaha. All in all, I am happy with this product + once I’m out I will probably purchase this again + try more of the MONAT products as well.

I hope this was informative for you + I will be back soon with more post so stay tuned!!

Until Next Time…

♥ Kai

Products I regret buying…and one change of heart!

Hey guys!!

I hope you like the video + please share with me the products you regret buying!!!!

My June + July Favorites of 2014

Hey all!

Here is another video for you! I hope you enjoy and give some of these items a try!!

ShopMissA.com Haul!!

Hey Loves!!

Today I have another video for you and I hope you enjoy and leave me some suggestions! Kisses and huggles!!!!!

♥ Kai



Mini FOREVER21+ Haul!!

Ooooh, Another video! Please be patient with me because this is a reboot/starting over channel so better vids soon to come! I have new videos every Monday!!

♥ Kai

What’s in my Work Bag?? – New Youtube Channel!

Check out my new video and let me know what type of videos YOU want to see!!

♥ Kai

Closet Confidential Tag!



Hey guys!!

Hope you all are having a great, fabulous, and fashionable day! Speaking of fashion, I was watching YouTube and I watched a few people do the “Closet Confidential Tag”. Since I’m currently on hiatus from YouTube (trying to decide to end it completely or start a new channel), I decided to do this tag in blog form! I hope you enjoy and lets get right to it!!

Question 1: What is the oldest item in your closet?


Yeah, I’ve had this shirt for a while (since Burning Crusade came) but I do have older items but they are in the closet back at my parents home. 😦

Question 2: What is the newest item?


I bought these jeans from moddeals.com. I actually bought these 2 times smaller so I could have some weight loss inspiration! Oh, they were onlu $10 a pair!!

Question 3: What is the most expensive item?


Currently the most expensive item in my closet (which is a bit odd lol) are these Oscar De La Renta sunglasses. I bought this pair and another pair back when I lived in Cincinnati. I have no idea where the second pair has gone and I looooved those. 😦 Sad Panda.

Question 4: What is the cheapest/most affordable item?


I got this sweater from Torrid like a year ago for $1…yes, I said $1!! Best deal ever because it looks great on especially with a nice cami and tights!

Question 5: What was the biggest bargain?


I know this isn’t a super cheap item but I thought it was a major bargain especially since I have been looking for a faux leather/leather jacket for ages! I found this baby on the Torrid website for $98 and I can pair it with almost everything. I will get so much wear out of this!

Question 6: What was the biggest waste of money?


This was the dumbest purchase of my existence!! I bought this after “winning” an auction. This was not even the item I bid for! They sent me a whack knock off that looks absolutely terrible. That’s what I get I guess. I want to get rid of this thing actually! SMH….SMH :/

The Last Question (demand rather lol) in the Tag is: Show us your three favourite items right now!


I know the shirt in the middle may be hard to see but it’s a beautiful long and flowy white blouse I got from Torrid. It’s completely sheer and has lace detailing around the shoulders. I love this top however, I have a hard time keeping white clean because I always get soy sauce or make up on it lol. The first item is a dress I got from Torrid for like $10 or so and I have yet to wear it. Trying to find a good strapless bra first. The shoes are so dope!! I love these shoes. They are wedge sneakers with silver studs… AWESOME SAUCE!!

Well that’s the end of the tag you guys! I tag all of you to do this and allow us to be your own personal creepers all up in your closet like R. Kelly! 😉

Until next time…

♥ Kai