Sponsored Review – MONAT Rejuveniqe Oil

Hello beauties!!

I have had a heck of a week which I will update you guys on once I’ve had a moment to rest + get myself sorted. Until then, I have a new review for you!!! Yay!!


I was lucky enough to try out the MONAT Rejuveniqe Oil (Click here to read more about the product) + I must say, I am impressed! This product has improved my hair so so much. The product is said to help minimize thinning hair, add in needed nutrients + can promote hair growth. The oil smells nice + light but luxurious! The cap to this is a dropper which is really nice because you can control the amount of product you use…a little goes a long way (I show this in a vid on my instagram).  The packaging looks amazingly sleek + chic + just really draws your eye to it! Definitely a beautiful high end goodie you must try out!!!!



After I wash my hair, I pat dry really well with a town then apply some leave in conditioner, After .I brush/comb my conditioner through, I add in the oil to my ends and then I massage it into my scalp. After those steps, I just let my hair air dry + once it does…OMG, my hair is so so soft + shiny. BEAUTIFUL!!


5-stars Rilakkuma

I totally give this product a 5 out of 5 because not only did I see instant result after my first use (and still to this day), but I have seen growth as well + that’s major for me since I’ve been trying to grow my hair out + for a bit it grew then just stalled but this definitely gave it that extra boost to start growing again. Oh + I forgot, you can use this on your body as well!! The only con I think of at the moment is the price. On the website this product retails for $99!! That’s a lot of money but if you want to splurge….DO IT!! Hahahaha. All in all, I am happy with this product + once I’m out I will probably purchase this again + try more of the MONAT products as well.

I hope this was informative for you + I will be back soon with more post so stay tuned!!

Until Next Time…

♥ Kai

Mini Giveaway!! (CLOSED)

Hey all! Here’s a mini giveaway for discounts to my new online boutique! 


The first 5 people to answer this Fashion Trivia question correct, will receive a $20 off a $45 purchase coupon to my online boutique. An additional 5 winners will receive a 10%  off coupon to use on anything in the boutique!! Woot Woot!! This giveaway will be on my blog, Twitter, Instagram + Facebook pages. Good Luck!!

What date + year did Vogue become a weekly publication in the United States? Who was it founded by?

Good luck everyone!

Until Next Time…



Daft ~ Mod: Introducing my new online accessories boutique


Hey hey there lovlies!!

I am coming to you with a super quick blog post to announce the opening of my new online accessories boutique, Daft ~ Mod! Yay!!

Every week I will hand pick a selection of styles to add to my site for you to chose from. Everything is beautiful, chic + sure to grab the attention of anyone who sees you wearing these items.

Head on over to Daft ~ Mod and check it out! Let me know what you think!!

Until Next Time…


Kommon Kourtesy #1 – Interview with Film Maker, Anthony Tran


“Failure is only the opportunity to begin again, only this time more wisely” – Henry Ford

Who is Anthony Tran? Well, today you will get to know this educated, handsome and outgoing 25 year old film maker. Everyone has dreams and goals and this very awesome fellow knows exactly what he wants and has been taking those steps to get there.

 I had the pleasure of interviewing Mr. Tran and here is what he had to say about being Anthony, doing what he loves and how you can achieve your goals as a film maker too! Grab a cup of tea, coffee or hot cocoa and snuggle up for the first installment of Kommon Kourtesy! Enjoy!!

Kai: Tell me a little about yourself personally and creatively.

Anthony: What do you want to know? (Laughs) I love adventure and travel and I don’t get to do it a lot lately completing the film. I love making connections with others and meeting people with different backgrounds from all walks of life and I know everyone has a story to be told and I really like to convey things in different ways. Creatively, I’ve always been an artist and I’m all about motivating people to try new things if they really want to make it in the industry. I am known for my ability to bring people together.

Kai: Very nice! Also, in 5 words, describe who you are.

Anthony: Ambitious. Inventive. Respectful. Honest. Reliable.

Kai: So, at what age did you decide that making films was what you wanted to do?

Anthony: Ever since I was a kid in grade school I wrote stories in hopes to one day turn them into visual arts. I wrote my first script when I was 12 and attempted my first feature when I was 16 called “The Dumbest Horror Flick Ever” – a parody with cultural satire.

Kai: You knew what you wanted to do straight away it seems! How did you get started making films and what drives you to continue on this journey?

Anthony: Ever since I was young I was fascinated with cameras, movies, television, etc. and ask anyone, I have been talking about making films since middle school. I am driven to continue this journey because film making is fun, you get to meet new people and of course the best part of seeing your idea becoming a visual medium that people can be entertained by or interested or inspired by.

Kai: Where did you study film making?

Anthony: In high school I went to Scarlet Oaks for Digital Television Production and when I turned 19, I went to Brown Mackie College-Cincinnati.

Kai: Woohoo!! Give me a moment while I rep Cincinnati (hometown)! Hahaha. Back to business, this is not an easy business to venture into, do you think you have the support and resources to thrive? What sets you apart from others?

Anthony: This is definitely not an easy business and I would say I have good amount of resources and support from the general public, talents in the area and more, but I find that when doing a voluntary project like “Obliquity: Imagery of the Unknown”, it can get really tough to have commitment from people in full for certain aspects – and most of the people that could help our film become even more solid require pay and I’m 25 working part time trying to release a community film project, so in that regard, we thrive to get things done the best we can, but we definitely could have more support and resources.

What sets me apart is that I constantly network, collaborate and cross-promote and give everyone the opportunity to submit or discuss working together. There are plenty of people that are making projects, but just from experience and from reaching out, very few who say they are capable of great talents may not actually be willing to even work with you. I feel like a lot of people are in their own film cliques (as opposed to myself and our team) where we truly do try and bring anyone interested in working with us to the project. That way, there’s a little bit of everyone in the film.

Kai: What was your inspiration for Obliquity?

Anthony: In my first script –which I later turned into a book- one of the chapters is called “Obliquity: Imagery of the Unknown”. In 2007, we tried entering an Insomniac’s Film Festival and that segment sparked the short film made for a school competition called “Duality”. Later we created a horror short called “COEXIST” for the College Movie Festival and the idea originally was to have characters from all our short films be tied into this feature. On another note, “Obliquity: Imagery of the Unknown” was inspired also by interactions in society, the film community in Greater Cincinnati and my own emotions and experiences were also incorporated. I wanted to make a film that would be trippy, unique, and combine talents of people in our area to really build upon connections. We even were given locations cost-free and promoted other artists and business owners.

Kai: What is the essence of Obliquity?

Anthony: The essence of Obliquity (subtitle “Imagery of the Unknown” is that there are many things to see in the film including different imagery, locations, camera and editing tricks and more. On the other side of the film, there are things you do not see that one would have to deduct and piece together and look beyond to understand more. The film is entirely about a city where society has become careless, immoral and unkind and now sleep deprived college students try to stay awake for up to four days and they begins to see what drives these forces and people to act the way they do. There is also a message that you do not have to be sleep deprived to see this if you allow yourself to be in tune (i.e. Shannon’s character. )

Kai: What was the most important lesson you had to learn that has had a positive effect on your film? How did that lesson come about?

Anthony: I learned a lot about planning and not jumping the gun and going to shoot just because we have a good scene written. I mean, grant it, it still worked for the film and we may have just gotten lucky, because you really have to organize everything before starting production. I also have learned to appreciate everyone on the project (even when things didn’t work out) and to remember whatever you say- whether on social media or on stage at a screening, you represent everybody’s hard work on projects. It’s ideal to show gratitude toward those helping. These lessons come from trial and error.

Kai: Films tend to morph throughout the creative process + sometimes major changes happen during editing. Were there sections that you absolutely love but by the end felt it just no longer worked? If so, do you think they could be used elsewhere?

Anthony: There was a whole story-line with the overly hated Titney Spears character where her fakeness changed her around to finding herself and though it would have been a whole’nother character, I would have liked to see some of that in the film again, but being a thriller it’s just too weird for most people. The footage was originally going to combined with a 40min short that loosely ties-in with our feature with a  whole script ready to go, but with time constraints and the push to release the feature itself, it may not be likely to film this. At least we’ll have it as a bonus feature on our DVD and Blu-Ray.

Kai: How would you describe your filmmaking process?

Anthony: We go on set, have a light meal, have the actors go over lines and rehearse as we set up the cameras and lights (if needed) and I begin to look for angles and mark notes on my shot lists or storyboards. Of course, there is plenty of preparation to even get to a shooting day. If I see an actor struggling, we step aside and discuss ways of seeing things in different light so they can feel what they are portraying and we just give it a go.

Kai: What do you consider the elements of a good film? A great one?

Anthony: Concepts are always the kicker for me as well as the story, the actors, the situations, the locations and of course our biggest issue since I mostly do video is having the audio perfected. Having interesting visuals that will engage the viewers are always nice. I personally really like movies that utilize their plot and scenarios in creative ways throughout the movie.

Kai: What films have been the most inspiring or influential to you and why?

Anthony: There are so many movies out there that I have yet to see being the head of every department on a feature film, but I will say that “American Beauty”, “Requiem For A Dream”, “Memento”, The original “Final Destination” and “Scream” movies have really made an impact on me. I also enjoy “Cube: Hypercube” and “Nightmare On Elm Street” for being different and I feel like in the last decade, there hasn’t necessarily been well-rounded solid films that are different and I’m inspired by that to bring it back into this next decade.

Kai: What experience do you have in other art forms?

Anthony: I am currently working on a demo LP called “Belief System” under the name Trippy or Tripp T, where I rap and sing. I also have drawn a lot and am interested in painting more.

Kai: How does film unite different types of art and media?

Anthony: Film can incorporate all types of media. From having a soundtrack, to a score, sound design to graphic design and animation, to art that is in the background of scenes to photography of promotional material and behind-the-scenes documentation, almost anybody interested in media should try the film route whatever your forte.

Kai: What advice would you give to someone who wanted to have a life creating film?

Anthony:  My advice to someone who wants to make a motion picture is to first never give up. It’s a hard business for a reason and I was blessed to have over 200 people volunteer on the project with 26 bands signed to our movie’s soundtrack. Network always and tell everyone you want to make movies. Pass out business cards, make a roster with those interested in getting involved and list their skillsets, post online everywhere when you have a shoot coming up, know what you are capable of and limit your cast to a small amount so you can easily schedule if it’s your first project and again, never give up. Rewrites and changes may need to happen, but if you are the leader, everyone is counting on you to completion. Don’t waste people’s time and don’t lie about being community-oriented and not even try and help another film maker in any way (even as simple as sharing a post.) Reputation is also important but let live and have fun!

Kai: In regards to actually pursuing a film career, what advice do you have for those who are serious about it?

Anthony: You can either build a community and try and bring people together or you can move to the big cities where films are always happening and just go for it. It helps to have projects under your belt, but it really does come down to who you know and what you do. Being early is always a plus and remember –anything can happen. Shoots can get cancelled at the last minute and you just have to prepare yourself for that. Also, always communicate properly. Don’t leave someone hanging or it’s going to look extremely negative on your end and word does get around about people who do work and people who say they do and can’t even be professional with others.

Kai: Where do you see yourself in 5 years in regards to the film making industry?

Anthony: In 5 years, I hope to have been working in the industry on big budget movie sets and also have created another film or two including a possible sequel to “Obliquity”.

Kai: I hope to do the same but as an actress, I am really good ya know? Hahaha! Maybe finally we can collab without anything getting in the way! Well moving right along, where can readers view your films and learn more about you?

Anthony: Most of our films are on our http://youtube.com/trippytranfilms and there are some articles online if you search my name or movies. Soon, we will have our website built better (currently we have http://trippytranfilms.com up) and DVDs will be released soon hopefully as well.

Kai: Anthony, thank you so much for sharing with me today. I think it’s awesome what you are doing and it’s so great to see that Cincinnati, Ohio has so much talent and we definitely aren’t afraid to dream! Any last words?

Anthony: Thank you so much Kai for taking the time to ask me questions about the project (and me) and I hope that everyone gets a chance to check out our work. We plan on doing bigger things once we reach higher budgets down the road so watch out for that! I know so many talented people here in Greater Cincinnati and beyond and I’ve just been so fortunate to work with so many amazing people. Our ideas may be different than what people normally see nowadays, but I hope they can appreciate the hard work and the creations in what’s to come.

Kai: Absolutely! It has been my pleasure and I can’t wait to see everything!!

Until Next Time,


♥ Kai

My Current Plus Size Must Haves! – Chic n’ Black Styling

Hear ye,  Hear ye…

Curves are sexy, curves are not about size or weight…it’s about the wonderful feminine shape of the female body…Or guy in the sense of Legolas (” Hey baby let me get yo number…Oh, Legolas I am so sorry…) Hehehe just kidding ;).

I am a tall and curvy woman and yes I have my hang ups just like everyone else and I do want to lose weight however, I wouldn’t change my curves for the world. The beauty of showing off your body is by finding clothing that fits and accents the best parts of your body! I found 3 items that I plan to add to my wardrobe and maybe you may just love it too…TRUST ME, I’M A STYLIST!!

Anyone who knows me knows I am a sucker for BLACK CLOTHING. It’s so chic and sexy but maybe not for everyone. The looks that I found below are black but of course feel free to find these items in colors that make YOU feel confident and sexy!

Look 1: The Little Black Dress – Conservative Chic


I love this dress so much for every body shape. This is a plus size dress however a straight size individual could rock this and feel fab in it. The shape is great and I love how the hem is right below the knee. This dress is modest yet sexy at the same time!

WHERE TO BUY: Plus Size Fix for $34.99 – City Chic Turtle Neck Sleeveless Dress

FOR DAY TIME: Wear with a printed scarf, a gold boyfriend watch, skinny belt and nude heels for a chic, comfy and polished look.

FOR NIGHT TIME: Wear with a bold necklace, tennis bracelet and a bright or print heel for a sexy yet classy come hither look.

Look 2: Little Black Dress – Edgy Chic


l love a little edge with everything I wear but I don’t want to overkill on edge hahaha. This dress is a statement all on it’s own so you don’t want to over accessorize. The tiny cutouts are fun and sexy and makes this dress really fun. The faux-leather gives it that rocker feel without being over the top.

WHERE TO BUY: The Pyramid Collection for $89.95 – Perforated Black Dress

FOR DAY TIME: Wear with a cute cardigan , trendy stacked bracelets (Click here for great ones!), a cute single strap heel or simple booties and an over-sized clutch.

FOR NIGHT TIME: Wear with a bold statement ring, tights (depending on weather), a cool pair of Jeffery Campbell Litas, gold chain necklace and bold lipstick!

Look 3: Faux Leather Jacket

– Edgy Chic Part 2


I have been on the hunt for a super hot and figure flattering faux-leather jacket and when I saw this one I fell in love about 2200 times! Hahaha. This jacket has a sexy feminine touch with that bad ass girl feel as well. I love everything about it!!

WHERE TO BUY: Plus Size Fix – (I am not certain if this is still available but I LOVE it) 

FOR DAY TIME: Wear with a cute plain white top or white and simple graphic tee , a cute shoulder bag that adds a pop of color, white pants, cool wedge sneakers and a statement necklace.

FOR NIGHT TIME: Wear with a strapless red jumpsuit (check this one out!), a sparkly statement necklace, a studded clutch and pair of killer strappy heels! OH LAWD, sexy sexy!!

I hope you all enjoyed my little tips and tricks! I love the pieces so much and feel that they are basics that you can have in your closet and mix and match with so many things. Make sure to keep on the lookout for more amazing and fun styling tips!

Until Next Time…


❤ Kai 

Current Manicure!


Products Used:

MUA Nail polish in Moody Mink – Nail base color

Pantone Nail Polish in Anthracite – Black “Feathers”

Sally Hansen Nail Polish in #410 Lavender Cloud – Light “Feathers”

SENSATIONAIL LED Gel set (Pro 3060 lamp + clear top coat) – Seal colors/design

Giveaway Winner!!!!


Hello everyone! Thank you so much for your patience. As many of you know, I have a full time job, a business and that pesky thing called a life lol so, I have fallen behind on announcing my giveaway winner.

So lets get to it!!!! THE WINNER IS………………. 
YOUTUBER: itzivyliu


Please contact me at: lushevans@gmail.com with your address and gift card choice!!!!! Yay!

Thanks to everyone who entered. You are all so appreciated! Look forward to more giveaway/contest in the future!!

Love, Peace + Shopping Receipts

Influenster Holiday VoxBox Review #1: Kiss Nail Dress Strips.


Hey all! I wanted to do a quick review on one of the products I received via my Influenster Holiday Voxbox (check out http://www.influenster.com for more info on how to receive these boxes! No cost, No gimmicks!).


The product I will be reviewing is the Kiss Nail Dress Nail Strips. The strips are similar to the Minx nail trend where a polish “sticker” is applied + adhered to the nail using a top coat (I think I explained that correctly lol).


In the photo above, I am using the strip on my ring finger only as an accent nail. I really liked this + even though the package states that you do not need a top coat, I put one on anyway + my design lasted almost a full two weeks ( started to peel after about 10-11 days).

Product Info:

•Price: $6.99
•Number of strips: 28
•Can be used for: Fingers + toes (just flip the strip upside down – shown below).


•Lasting Time: Package states 10 days
•Style Code:56703 – KDS05
•Application Directions:


So, all in all would I buy these? Absolutely! They last a long time, they look professional, their easy to appy,  the cost is great + they come in a bunch if different designs! If you want to switch up your look and want a fabulous nail design w/o the Salon cost, I think this is the way to go!

Until next time….




Hello everyone!

So, I (Kai) and the Chic n’ Black crew have been away for a loooong time! Life, moving, projects and work have consumed our time so things have fallen a wee bit behind. WE ARE SOOOOO SORRY 😦

I am working really hard to sort out my schedule so that I can get back on track with updating the Chic n’ Black Styling website and creating really fun videos for the CNBS Youtube channel and also to keep up with the CNBS facebook fanpage. Please hang on because I have a lot of fun things I want to do and share with you all.

One of the biggest changes for us was the move one of my best friends/assistant (hehehe) and I made. WE MOVED TO PORTLAND, OR!
I am trying to get the company up and moving here as well as continue to keep things moving in Cincinnati, Ohio as well. It’s now only two of us offically and we still have a great group of volunteers helping us to make things happen!! We are blessed for sure!

On 06/16/2012 CNBS was part of the Urban Glam by Jamie Fashion Show. We were one of the many sponsors to help put the show together. WE started working on this project in February and once we moved to Portland in May, continued to work on the project via emails, video chat, and phone. Congrats to Jamie!!
Here is a link to an article about the event: http://local.cincinnati.com/share/news/story.aspx?sid=193975

I am trying to put together an amazing fashion show to showcase CNBS here in Portland. I’m thinking…hmmmm….lots of black, sparkle and DIVADOM!! Yes Yes….We will have fun!

We are working on fun videos for our Youtube channel as well as fun fashion giveaways and of course, tips, ticks and trends….and non trends hahaha. I am looking into ways to bring in more philanthropy based projects as well as bigger and challenging projects as well. I am also going to be updating my beauty blog and adding giveaways and reviews for those who enjoy that! (http://awkwardly-beautiful.blogspot.com

Overall, we have a lot to sort out and a lot we are working on bringing to you so please continue your patience with us and trust you will not be disappointed! WE LOVE YOU LIKE A LOVE SONG BABY!!!! Hahahah LOl.

Until next time…
❤ Kai